Saturday, April 29, 2017

Nepali Traditional Ornaments

Nepali Traditional ornaments:

Traditional ornaments symbolize dignity, prosperity and art of a country. Ornaments play an important role to define culture of people of a nation and separate them from people of other nation. During the course of time, Nepali people have developed their own traditional ornaments which are different from other nations. Nepali traditional ornaments identify Nepalese. Ornaments add glamour to personality, increase confidence level and define marital status of an individual. Jewelry designs varies from country to country and religion to religion. During the course of time Nepali also developed  their own kind of jeweleries. The country is home to people of many different national origins. Nepal is a multicultural and multi-ethnic country. Every ethnic people has their own designs of ornaments. But some popular ethnic jewelries are common among people across country . Jewellery degins in Nepal resembles with India and China as these two countries are the neighbors. Nepalese prefer to wear jewelries made up of  24K gold as they believe gold as sacred Metal. From birth to death and many auspicious occasions, gold has great signification in Nepali society. Traditional ornaments have been a significant part in ethnic and folk daces, Kumari dance,chanchar dance,chutka dance,Chyabrung Dance,Ghatu Dance,etc. Secondarily silver is also used for Jewelries after gold.The designs in solid solid gold jewelries are inspired by nature. Nepali jewelry is influenced by local flora and fauna.For example Tilhari design is derived from rudraksha, fishes and peacock images are common in Jantar, Shesh Naag image on Tayo,ect.Nepali jewelry is unique in its design and workmanship.These huge varieties of ornaments bear testimony to the excellent skill of the jewelers and craftspeople of the country. Basically craftsmen of Nepal use the repoussé and chasing technique(it is a metalworking technique in which a malleable metal is ornamented or shaped by hammering from the reverse side to create a design in low relief.  It is also known as embossing.)  to make Traditional jewelries which is different fron other countries. The beauty of this technique is that jewelry can be made bigger in size with comparatively lesser weight of metal.

Nepalese have been using jewelry since centuries. The significance of jewelry in the country is evident from the fact that on many auspicious occasions, jewelry forms a part of gifts.Though the trend of men adoring themselves has now faded away, many of them still use earrings, bracelets, pendants, chains, etc. However, it is the Nepali women for whom jewelry holds utmost significance. In Nepal, jewelry is considered auspicious for women. Even poorest of poor women will have some kind of jewelry with them. Jewelry has not only been considered for the purpose of adoration, but also as a security in times of contingency. This is because it is often expensive and can be sold whenever there is dire need of money. This way, jewelry also serves the purpose of insurance, which can be depended upon. Jewelry forms the important part of adoration among Nepali women. To accentuate their feminine beauty, they use jewelries made up of gold & silver. Traditionally, jewelry has always been linked with wealth,power and status. Talking about the significance of jewelry in the life of women in Nepal, they are gifted jewelry in different phases of life such as, at birth, at coming of age, in marriage, on becoming a mother, etc. Certain ornaments such as Tilhari or Mangalsutra with Pote(glass beads), tuki (nose stud), finger ring, ear ring etc quintessential for married Nepali women. From the practice of generations, these gifts are still continuing without any abruptions. Jewelry gifted to to women at the time of marriage is called " Stridhan" i.e. wealth of women, which in short of wealth, power and femininity.