Jantar Necklace


Jantar is a beautiful Nepali traditional ornament . It is generally suspended from the neck as a central pendant on a string of beads and is made of copper, silver or gold with floral or iconographic designs. Initially it was used as the amulet,gradually it turned into popular national ornaments. Initially it had only sqaure shape, but now it could be seen in different shapes, circular, rhombus, star etc. Certain gemstones are used to ornament the container: turquoise, rubies, diamonds, emeralds, tourmaline, coral, pearls.This ornament belonged to Magar and Rai ethnic groups of Nepal. Due to its popularity  it is adorn by women across the country. Before it was only worn by married women but now it is worn by unmarried women. Widow women can also wear Jantar without Pote ( small glass beads). Jantar has its significance in cultural and religious activities.

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